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How to Change Nominee in NPS Account Online?

Apr 15, 2022 Alankit

Regardless of whether the autumn years of ones life will be blissful or troublesome, it relies on the plans one makes and executes during early years. Enrol in NPS to secure your living at the time of your post-retired life. Under NPS enrolment, one needs to specify their nominee to circulate the corpus in case of the death of the subscriber.

Just in case, if one failed to register their nominee at the start or choose to change their nominee under their NPS account, instead of manually submitting it, one can proceed to make the changes in nomination digitally. In case of the death of the subscriber, the nominee is entitled to claim all capital that has remained owed.

The PFRDA released a circular authorising subscriber to change their nominations online using their login credentials. Before that, the NPS subscribers who wish to change their nomination in their PRAN (Permanent Retirement Account Number), had to physically submit an S2 form to Alankit’s PoPs for effective approval. Currently, Alankit provides the facility to change the nomination details of the subscriber through their service points online to make it a convenient process for the subscriber.

A subscriber’s nomination under the NPS account can be changed at any time, according to the PFRDA and to change the nominee one needs to check the below steps:

  • The subscriber must access their respective Central Record Keeping Agencies system with their login details.
  • After this, they would be required to choose the option stating ‘Demographic Changes’ from the menu and click on the ‘Update Personal Details’ tab.
  • A modification screen having multiple options would appear at this step, where a subscriber would have to choose the ‘Add/Update Nominee Details’ option. After this, they would also have to select the Tier account type for which nomination details need to be updated.
  • Then a subscriber would have to submit the OTP received on their registered mobile number.
  • After submitting the OTP, the changes need to be authenticated by an e-sign by choosing the “e-sign and Download” option.
  • By inputting a virtual or Aadhaar ID, subscribers would have to put an e-sign on the page for an e-signature. Then, an OTP would be received by them on the mobile number registered. Use this code and select the ‘Verify OTP’ option.
  • After authentication, nomination details would be updated in the records of the National Pension Scheme. Before updating, there would be the authorisation of the request by the associated Nodal Office or corporate for subscribers of the government or identified corporate sector.

The process of changing the nomination is entirely digital and does not require any paperwork. However, if one fails to submit a document online, the offline facility is also available at the Alankit POPs.

Why Alankit?

Alankit being a POP for NPS will help you at every point from enrolment to changes to exit and experience our dynamic features.

  • Expert guidance throughout
  • Investment Solutions
  • PAN India Wide Network
  • Regulating Tax Benefits

Enrol into NPS today with Alankit!

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